Author Archives: Terry Poling

A Way I See It …

How might you make this season more meaning-filled for you and your loved ones? We celebrate this time of year for many reasons in many ways … the “miracle oil” of Chanukah, the “first fruits” of Kwanzaa, the “emannuel” of Christmas, and the “turning point” of Winter Solstice. However you mark the season, all of […]

Improving the Performance of Performance Management

While formal, once-a-year performance appraisals are still fairly standard and common in most businesses, recent surveys show the negative impression and impact these traditional reviews are having on today’s workforce.  So what changes are needed? WNCHR Perf Mgmt Presentation

Difference between “Good” and “Excellent”

Before the Industrial Revolution, we lived on farms and travelled on horseback or in horse-drawn carriages. During industrialization, we moved to the cities. And, railroads and massive steamships made commerce, education, travel and prosperity possible. So what powered the Industrial Revolution? Water. But even more specifically and more explosively, it was steam that powered the […]

New Outcomes Require New “Road Maps”

If your survival needs are taken care of – food, shelter, relative safety – chances are excellent that you have at least one or more goals that you’d like to see blossom into reality.  Your goals might be related to your housing, location, wellness, relationships, or livelihood, or something else.  Yet many people who want […]

Freedom of Self-Discipline

Have you ever thought about the Freedom of Self-Discipline? There is a great paradox about personal freedom.  Each of us longs for freedom and the ability to “do whatever I want.” And, yet, the people who seem to have the most freedom also happen to be the most disciplined, the most focused, and the most […]

Are You a Leader

Have you ever wondered if you are a leader? “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.”   –  John Quincy Adams

The Importance of Integrity

Have you ever thought about the Importance of Integrity? You can and should express your concern for integrity by contributing to your organization’s policies, training programs and communications about the need for honesty and a sense of personal responsibility. Doing so will enlighten and reassure your employees and customers. But what you do – and […]

True Wisdom

Have you ever thought about True Wisdom? “Knowing others is intelligence, knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength, mastering yourself is true power.”  –  Tao Te Ching

Impatient Leader

Are You an Impatient Leader?  For the most part, I am not a patient person. I know this about myself. I tend to be action-oriented and can become easily disappointed, and even annoyed, when things don’t happen as quickly as I like. Fortunately, I am slowly learning that I do not, and can not, control all […]

Increasing Your Power By Giving It Away

Have you ever thought about increasing your power by giving it away? The old adage, ‘You’re only as strong as the people around you’, is so true. Yet so many of us in management tend to forget it, and in doing so, we weaken our own management and leadership power bases. Many of us fall […]