Leader Development

Our Leader Development Services are targeted for individuals who are sincerely committed to taking their own leadership performance and potential to the next level.  These services are best suited for high-potential persons who value self-discovery and personal mastery, and demonstrate personal accountability and a discipline for action.


Executive Coaching – For senior leaders who are committed to gaining the insights and mastering the disciplines needed to achieve and sustain personal transformation as a leader. Using an integrated approach, we will work with you one-on-one to achieve greater levels of wisdom, character, effectiveness and fulfillment as a leader. All of our executive coaches are fully qualified and certified to help you gain a deeper understanding of self, a broader worldview, and nobler intentions and outcomes.

Thinking Partnership – For executives who perform best when they reflect and “think-out-loud” about their challenges, decisions and behaviors in one-on-one conversations with someone they trust. We will meet with you confidentially to test your assumptions, explore alternatives, anticipate other’s reactions, and assess actions you take on key business or organizational matters.

Leader Assessments and Feedback For those leaders interested in knowing and understanding the ways they see and identify themselves, and how others perceive them as leaders. We will draw from our diverse portfolio of value, interest, style, temperament, skill and competency assessment tools based on your particular needs or circumstances. We will also work with you to gain a comprehensive understanding of your results and their implications for your development as a leader.

Leader Retreats For leaders who learn best when given the opportunity and environment to focus on their own development with peers and colleagues gathered for the same purpose. Our retreats are designed to expand and integrate one’s subjective, objective and intersubjective worldviews through interaction and practice with others. In addition to our public forums, we also partner with organizations to co-create and co-facilitate structured learning experiences for their own high-potential populations. [See Training Services]